Local Farm Series: Pasture Fowler

Dreaming of Warmer Weather and Sustainable Farming Practices

        This past summer we visited the local Pasture Fowler Farm, a serene space spanning 34 acres of land. Founded by the farmer Steven Fowler, this farm stands as a testament to sustainable agriculture. Follow us along on this exciting journey!

       Inspired by his childhood memories of driving past the farm and his mother residing just a mile away, Steven embarked on a journey to transform this piece of land into a thriving agriculture. The name “Pasture Fowler” itself evokes a sense of heritage and reverence, symbolizing a return to traditional farming practices and a commitment to raising animals in their natural habitat.

        Steven’s journey into agriculture was marked by a desire to reconnect with nature and embrace a simpler way of life. His decision to embark on this agricultural venture was further fueled by his friendship with Pat, a remarkable woman living off the grid, whose dedication to farming left a mark on Steven. He chose chickens as the cornerstone of his farm, drawn to their low cost, versatility, and ability to provide sustainable income. 

        Steven employs innovative farming techniques from “tractor farming” to “hoop coops.” Each method is designed to maximize space for his chickens, utilize waste, and promote the well-being of the animals. The integration of solar coops and the introduction of Jersey cows for milking show Steven’s commitment to harnessing natural resources responsibly. His dedication to maintaining a clean and healthy environment ensures that all animals are raised without antibiotics is outstanding. Additionally, his ambition and motivation to grow and expand his business is down-right inspiring. 

        The farm’s residents, including the cows Petunia and Half Pint, alongside the big, fluffy guard dog Nannuk, embody the spirit of Pasture Fowler—a sanctuary where tradition meets innovation. Despite their different backgrounds and breeds, each animal plays a vital role in the farm’s ecosystem, contributing to its success. Whether it’s the Cornish Cross chickens or the hardy Freedom Ranger breeds, every inhabitant is granted space to roam, graze, and thrive. 

        Pasture Fowler stands as a testament to the transformative power of sustainable farming. As we reflect on the journey of this remarkable farm, let us be inspired to embrace a deeper connection to the land and support local agriculture. Join us in celebrating Pasture Fowler and Steven’s success!


Photography and Content Copyright © Tree Wilson

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